BlackBerry DevCon Asia Live Blog

RIM is holding its BlackBerry DevCon Asia event here in Singapore.The event was shifted from Thailand due to the recent floods in that region. The company held it’s previous DevCon in  San Francicso where BBX was announced.  We expect to hear more about BBX and hope to see a few new un-announced devices. We are also going to try to sit down with some RIM executives and get an idea of the mood within the company.The keynote is about to start in a few minutes and you can follow the updates from the event below


Blackberry Playbook O.S 2.0 will bring video store

RIM just had it’s Q2 conference call and it was mentioned that the playbook will receive an update to O.S 2.0 which will have many new features including video store where you will be able to rent movies and TV shows.

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Blackberry Style 9670 hitting Sprint?

A few days ago, we saw the Blackberry Style 9670 passing through FCC, and we saw that the phone comes with dual-band CDMA radios. Which means that if the phone is coming to USA, then only Sprint or Verizon will be the most likely to pick this phone, and may be it’s Sprint. Continue reading “Blackberry Style 9670 hitting Sprint?”