Disney+ Hotstar started rolling out its new yearly plans starting from September 1st priced starting from Rs. 499 for Mobile that lets you stream in HD (720p) on 1 mobile device. It also removed its old monthly plans. Now the company has started testing a new Rs. 99 monthly mobile plan that will offer the same benefits. Continue reading “Disney+ Hotstar is testing a new monthly mobile plan at an introductory price of Rs. 49”
Tag: Disney+ Hotstar new plans
Disney+ Hotstar rolls out new all-content yearly plans starting from Rs. 499
Update: September 1, 2021: Disney+ Hotstar has started rolling out its new plans from today, after announcing it back in July. It has also confirmed the video and audio quality details in each plan, which you can check in the image below. Continue reading “Disney+ Hotstar rolls out new all-content yearly plans starting from Rs. 499”