DIZO from realme TechLife today launched the DIZO Buds Z, the company’s latest budget TWS earbuds in India, as it had announced. It features Bluetooth 5.0, 10mm Drivers, has 88ms low latency gaming mode, ENC for calls and promises up to 16 hours of playback. Continue reading “DIZO Buds Z with low-latency gaming mode, up to 16h total playback, fast charge launched in India at an introductory price of Rs. 1299”
Tag: DIZO Buds Z
DIZO Buds Z with low-latency gaming mode, fast charge, up to 16h total playback launching in India on September 23
After the launch of GoPods D, GoPods and GoPods Neo TWS headsets, DIZO from realme TechLife today announced that it will launch the DIZO Buds Z on September 23rd. It features Bluetooth 5.0, 10mm Drivers, has 88ms low latency gaming mode, ENC for calls and promises up to 16 hours of playback. Continue reading “DIZO Buds Z with low-latency gaming mode, fast charge, up to 16h total playback launching in India on September 23”