Telegram has introduced voice calls in the latest update that bumps the app to version 3.18. The instant messaging app says Telegram voice calls are built upon the end-to-end encryption of its Secret Chats feature.
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Tag: End-to-End encryption
Facebook now lets everyone enable end-to-end encryption on Messenger
Facebook started testing end-to-end encryption for Messenger in July on select group of users. Now, the social network has rolled out end-to-end encryption for its over 1 billion Messenger users.
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Facebook Messenger is testing end-to-end encryption with secret conversations
Facebook Messenger has started rolling out secret conversations that offers end-to-end encryption on some messages. These messages are will be end-to-end encrypted and which can only be read on one device of the person you are communicating with.
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LINE to roll out End-to-end Encryption by default from July 1
LINE messenger is the latest instant messaging app that is getting more serious about user privacy and introducing end-to-end encryption. The Japanese messaging service is referring end-to-end encryption as “Letter Sealing”. Continue reading “LINE to roll out End-to-end Encryption by default from July 1”
Facebook might bring end-to-end encryption to Messenger
Facebook may join WhatsApp and enter the encryption game soon. A new report from The Guardian claims that the social network could add end-to-end encryption to its Messenger app later this year,
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Viber rolls out end-to-end encryption and Hidden Chats
Following footsteps of WhatsApp Messenger, Viber has also rolled out end-to-end encryption for Android, iOS, PCs and Mac desktops. Continue reading “Viber rolls out end-to-end encryption and Hidden Chats”
Whatsapp working on end-to-end encryption for Android smartphones
It has been rumoured for a while that Whatsapp is working on an end-to-end encryption solution for its IM on the Android platform. A new screenshot shows a beta version which shows the security screen and proves that such a feature is in the works.
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LINE adds End-to-End encryption feature ‘Letter Sealing’ to messaging app
LINE messenger has received a new feature dubbed as ‘Letter sealing’ in latest update. Available for Android and iOS, the feature finally brings end-to-end encryption on the messaging app.
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