Apple UK market share hits record high


Shortly after the global launch of the iPhone 6, Apple called its latest smartphone the greatest yet and according to recent figures, this has translated into sales and a noticeable improvement in Apple’s UK market share. Kantar Worldpanel Comtech report that strong sales of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus resulted in Apple’s market share reaching 42.5 percent in November. Continue reading “Apple UK market share hits record high”

Huawei Honor 6 Plus will not launch in Europe

Huawei Honor 6 Plus

The Honor 6 may have only just begun launching in several markets around Europe but it’s bigger brother has already been announced. The Honor 6 Plus brings the Honor brand to the larger display market but as we can confirm, it won’t be available to customers in Europe or other Western Markets. Continue reading “Huawei Honor 6 Plus will not launch in Europe”

Nokia Revamps Salo plant. Shifts Focus to concentrate on production of the European Smartphone Market

Nokia recently announced that they are sacking around 285 people from its Salo plant to ensure production is now fully focused on the high value European smartphone market. Continue reading “Nokia Revamps Salo plant. Shifts Focus to concentrate on production of the European Smartphone Market”
