Samsung has announced Exynos 980, the company’s first processor with built-in 5G modem. It is based on 8-nanometer (nm) FinFET process technology, compared to 7nm EUV (extreme ultra violet) lithography processing technology in the Exynos 9825 processor that powers the Galaxy Note 10 series. It has two high performing ARM Cortex-A77 cores and six efficient Cortex-A55 cores and ARM Mali-G76 MP5 GPU. The modem also supports E-UTRA-NR Dual Connectivity (EN-DC), which combines 2CC LTE and 5G connectivity, to maximize mobile downlink speed up to 3.55Gbps. In addition, it is a multi-mode modem that utilizes major networks from 2G to 4G LTE for reliable mobility anywhere.