Samsung Galaxy S10 said to use company’s self-developed world’s first 7nm EUV dual-core NPU chip on Exynos 9820. One of the features of the AI chip is to enhance the camera. This resembles a human brain as it is a mobile processor with core optimized for artificial intelligence operations such as image processing, image recognition, and speech recognition. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S10 powered by Exynos 9820 said to feature first 7nm EUV dual-core NPU chip to improve camera performance”
Tag: Exynos 9810
Samsung Exynos 9810 could be Exynos 9, use custom M2 CPU cores
Samsung posted the first teaser for the Exynos 9 last week that will succeed the Exynos 8 and power the flagship Galaxy S8 series. Now details of an intern at the Samsung’s Bangalore R&D Institute reveals that the upcoming Exynos processor could be called Exynos 9810. Continue reading “Samsung Exynos 9810 could be Exynos 9, use custom M2 CPU cores”