FoneArena is live from MWC 2014 at Barcelona and LG has just announced a few Android smartphones. LG announced a couple of mid-range LTE enabled smartphones in the LG F series of smartphones – LG F70 and LG F90. Among the two, going by naming convention, LG F70 seems the entry range variant of the two and it is indeed. We went hands on with the device and took a few photos as well.
Tag: f70
LG announces LG F70 and LG F90, midrange LTE smartphones
LG is having a busy day at MWC 2014 and have just announced the LG F70 and LG F90, entry range smartphones with LTE connectivity. LG has announced its latest flagship LG G Pro 2 as well LG G2 Mini at the event and it is also targeting the entry range LTE market with the LG F70 and LG F90.
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