Official Facebook app makes its way to Windows App Store

During the Microsoft Build conference held in June, Microsoft announced that an official Facebook app is coming to Windows 8 and after nearly 4 months, the official app arrives in the marketplace. Today, along with the launch of Windows 8.1, Facebook’s official app arrives in app store and it is available only for devices running Windows 8.1.


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Facebook for Android v1.7 gets new sharing features and improvements

Facebook for Android has been updated to version 1.7 that brings in new privacy features while posting and new sharing options like tagging a friend on a post, photo or places. The Facebook for iPhone got these features recently in the latest update of version 3.5 Continue reading “Facebook for Android v1.7 gets new sharing features and improvements”

Facebook app v2.0 for BlackBerry now available for download

Facebook app version 2.0 for BlackBerry is now out of beta and available to download at the BlackBerry App World. This version has 5 new features that includes, new interface, improved news feed, Facebook chat, Enhanced profiles and core integration with the phone. The Beta version of the app was launched this May. Continue reading “Facebook app v2.0 for BlackBerry now available for download”

Airtel launches Facebook app for Java phones

Airtel has launched Facebook app for Java feature phones for their customers and they also offer free usage of the app for the first 3 months. This Facebook app provides a better and faster Facebook experience than other Java apps and mobile site. Continue reading “Airtel launches Facebook app for Java phones”

Facebook for Android v1.6.0 brings video upload support

Facebook for Android has been updated to version 1.6.0, that brings video upload support. The previous version was 1.5.4 that was released this April. The new version also brings some improvements in the news feed and ability to view the Facebook pages. The video uploading feature was available for Facebook for PlayBook app recently. Continue reading “Facebook for Android v1.6.0 brings video upload support”

Facebook App now available for BlackBerry PlayBook

RIM has announced new Facebook app, optimized for Blackberry Playbook. This lets you chat with friends on Facebook, view news feed, post and view photos, send and receive Facebook messages and get notifications. Continue reading “Facebook App now available for BlackBerry PlayBook”

Facebook Integration Shines On The Nokia C5

When the Nokia C5 was announced, one of the features it claimed to have was full integration between your Contacts and your Facebook friends, going as far as showing you the latest status updates from your friends when you browse through the contacts. This feature seemed to be forgotten as we moved on to more device announcements, especially the Nokia N8, but as the Nokia C5 was finally dropped off for us to review, the first thing we set out to discover is if this Facebook integration claim was right. Right it proved to be, and here is the detailed feature explanation.

How to activate the Facebook social phonebook features
After transferring your Contacts to the C5, you won’t notice any out of the ordinary option related to Facebook. You have to head into your Application folder and look for the Facebook application, open it, sign in and hit Settings. From there you get to pick if you want to activate the Social Phonebook option and how frequently it should look for new status updates from your friends.

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Nokia E72/E71 Facebook Application


Nokia has released the Facebook application for the Nokia E72 and it’s predecessor, the E71. It is basically a non-touch version of the S60 5th Edition Facebook application and optimised for the landscape orientation.

The application allows you to update your status, see what your friends are up to, upload photos, check messages and look-up phone numbers when you need them anytime and anywhere. It contains most features of the full version Facebook but some features such as “like” haven’t been integrated. Continue reading “Nokia E72/E71 Facebook Application”