Fire-Boltt has added yet another Bluetooth calling smartwatch to its portfolio, called the Ninja Fit. The smartwatch comes with a minimalistic design and a 9.5 mm ultra-thin body, making it lightweight and stylish. This comes after the Fire-Boltt BLIZZARD that was launched last month. Continue reading “Fire-Boltt Ninja Fit with 1.69″ display, Bluetooth calling launched”
Tag: Fire-Boltt Ninja-Fit
Fire-Boltt Saturn, Talk 3, Ninja-Fit smartwatches launched
Fire-Boltt has introduced three new smartwatches for the offline market: the Saturn, Talk 3, and Ninja-Fit. These watches followed the recently announced Fire-Boltt Talk Ultra. Continue reading “Fire-Boltt Saturn, Talk 3, Ninja-Fit smartwatches launched”