Amazon has launched a new Fire TV Stick 4K in India, after it was introduced last year. This brings Wi-Fi 6 support and an enhanced 1.7 GHz quad-core processor, making it almost 30% more powerful than the previous version. This also gets 2GB of RAM, compared to 1.5GB in the older model. Continue reading “Amazon launches new Fire TV Stick 4K in India”
Tag: Fire TV Stick 4K
Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K with Dolby Vision, and HDR10+ and Alexa Voice Remote announced in India
Amazon today has announced the Fire TV Stick 4K and all-new Alexa Voice Remote in India. The Fire TV Stick 4K is powered by the 1.7GHz quad-core with fast streaming experience, quicker load times, and brilliant picture quality. It also brings you access to 4K Ultra HD, Dolby Vision, and HDR10+ titles. Continue reading “Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K with Dolby Vision, and HDR10+ and Alexa Voice Remote announced in India”