Fitbit has launched the release in India of the newest generation of Fitbit wearables: Inspire 3, Versa 4, and Sense 2 that integrate Fitbit’s health and wellness functions with Google’s smarts. These gadgets, which are available through select partners (both offline and online), are even thinner and more comfortable, allowing you to wear them all day and night without having to charge them every day. Continue reading “Fitbit Sense 2, Versa 4 and Inspire 3 launched in India starting at Rs. 8999”
Tag: Fitbit Inspire 3
Fitbit Sense 2, Versa 4, and Inspire 3 wearables announced
Fitbit’s three new wearables, the Sense 2, Versa 4, and Inspire 3, are part of Fitbit’s officially announced all-new portfolio of fitness trackers. Fitbit is also releasing new software to go with the new hardware. The firm says this version is more about making the user experience better and more efficient. Recently, Fitbit Premium got Sleep Profile for deeper sleep analysis features too. Continue reading “Fitbit Sense 2, Versa 4, and Inspire 3 wearables announced”