Fossil has introduced a new smartwatch in India. Fossil has extended the Gen 6 Venture Edition towards its Gen 6 series. The smartwatch has a classic watch design as well as a number of smart features and health tracking abilities. Earlier this week, the Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch launched in India as well. Continue reading “Fossil Gen 6 Venture edition Wear OS smartwatch made with recycled plastic launched in India”
Tag: Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch India
Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch with 2 week battery life, Alexa support launched in India
Fossil has introduced the Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid, the latest smartwatch, in India. The smartwatch has a traditional look and has features such as smart notifications, the Alexa Voice Assistant, SpO2 monitoring, and a redesigned Fossil Smartwatch companion app, etc. Continue reading “Fossil Gen 6 Hybrid Smartwatch with 2 week battery life, Alexa support launched in India”
Fossil Gen 6 smartwatch with1.28-inch AMOLED display, Snapdragon Wear 4100+ SoC launched in India
Fossil has announced the launch of their latest Gen 6 smartwatch in India. It features the Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 4100+ SoC, a 1.28-inch touchscreen digital display, a fast charging battery, a Sp02 sensor, speaker functionality and more.