LG announced its competitor to the Samsung Galaxy Note earlier this year in the form of the Optimus G Pro which is a large screen Android phone / Phablet and one of the first phones to be powered by the Snapdragon 600 processor. LG India has confirmed to FoneArena that it will soon launch the Optimus G Pro here in India most likely by June. LG is quite happy with the sales of the Optimus G in India and seems optimistic about the G Pro. Continue reading “LG Optimus G Pro likely to launch in India by June”
Tag: g pro
LG Optimus G Pro vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Since we got our hands-on with the LG Optimus G Pro, we took the opportunity to compare it to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 as well. In this video, we compare the physical design and the features of both the smartphones.
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LG Optimus G Pro Hands-On
We got a chance to go hands on with LG’s first full HD smartphone, the Optimus G Pro. In this video we give you a look at some of its features and the new camera features that it brings to the table.
LG Optimus G Pro vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Photo Gallery
LG’s Optimus G Pro is a rival to the Samsung Galaxy Note II. Both the devices are very similar in terms of design. Both have rounded corners, large home button and 16:9 ratio 5.5″ touchscreens.
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LG Optimus G Pro with 5″ 1080p display and 3000 mAh battery spotted in leaked slide
With MWC coming up next month, we’re seeing a steady stream of leaks around the next generation range of smartphones. Thanks to a leaked slide, we get a glimpse of what is to be LG’s next flagship device. The LG Optimus Pro will be equipped with a 5″ full HD 1080p display similar to the ones we expect to see on every competing flagship device.