Samsung launched the Galaxy Note10 Lite smartphone in India back in January starting at Rs. 38999, later in April the phone got a price hike to Rs. Rs. 41,000 after 6% GST hike for mobile phones in the county, later to Rs. 41,999. Today the company has announced a permanent price cut for the phone in the country. The 6GB RAM version is now available for Rs. 37999 and the 8GB RAM variant is available at Rs. 39999 after a Rs. 4000 price cut. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite gets Rs. 4000 price cut in India, additional Rs. 5000 cashback for Citibank card users”
Tag: Galaxy Note 10 Lite
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite with 6.7-inch FHD+ Infinity AMOLED punch-hole display, square triple rear cameras surface [Update: Detailed specs]
Update: Complete specifications of the Galaxy Note 10 Lite has surfaced, which reveals a 6.7-inch FHD+ screen with a punch-hole screen that houses a 32MP camera, old Exynos 9810 SoC which was used in Galaxy S9, 12MP triple rear cameras, 3.5mm audio jack and a 4500mAh battery with 25w fast charging. It is said to be introduced in early January 2020. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite with 6.7-inch FHD+ Infinity AMOLED punch-hole display, square triple rear cameras surface [Update: Detailed specs]”