Samsung introduced the Galaxy NotePRO 12.2, the company’s latest tablet with a huge 12.2-inch screen at CES earlier this week. Since this belongs to the Note category, it comes with a S Pen stylus that docks on the back of the tablet and has a Wacom Digitizer for pressure sensitive input. It has a 12.2-inch (2560×1600 pixels) WQXGA display, powered by a Octa-Core Exynos 5 or a quad-core Snapdragon 800 depending on the 3G and 4G LTE variants and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with Samsung’s own Touch Wiz UI on top. We had some hands-on time with the tablet at the CES show floor. Check out the hands on video below. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy NotePRO 12.2 Hands On”