Even though earlier rumors revealed the specifications of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S4, new screenshots from the U.S variant of the Samsung Galaxy S4 has confirmed that the phone would indeed come with a 5-inch Full HD (1920×1080 pixels). These also reveal that it would be powered by a 1.8 GHz quad-core processor and come with 4G LTE support. It shows the new home screen with a slightly better Touchwiz UI and the smart screen settings confirms the Smart scroll and Smart pause features. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S4 new screenshots surface, confirms 5-inch 1080p display and 13MP camera”
Tag: galaxy S IV
Samsung to introduce Smart scroll feature which tracks eyes in Galaxy S IV
Samsung is set to launch its flagship device, the Samsung Galaxy S IV next week. Rumors are trickling in about the features of this device and the latest scoop is that the device will have a feature which will track the movement of your eyeballs and will help you scroll and do other things without touching the screen.
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Samsung teases the Galaxy S4 in a unpacked video [Update: New video]
It was already known just a week back that the launch is going to happen on March 14th, but Samsung has gone and just unveiled a teaser video for the Samsung Galaxy S4, undoubtedly one of the most awaited flagship devices this year. The video has “4” prominently written all over it and suggests all kinds of adjectives for the upcoming phone, in a white unpacked box. Here’s the teaser –
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Samsung to unveil Galaxy S4 on March 14 in New York, confirms JK Shin
There were several rumors about the Samsung Galaxy S4 launch date. First it was March 15th, later it was rumored that the phone would be unveiled on March 14th. According to a recent report from Reuters based on a report from Korean Edaily new site, the event is indeed happening on March 14th in New York as confirmed by the JK Shin, chief of mobile division, Samsung. Continue reading “Samsung to unveil Galaxy S4 on March 14 in New York, confirms JK Shin”
Galaxy S IV surfaces on GLBenchmark
Finally it’s that time of the year when reports of Samsung Galaxy S IV fill up every blog. Apparently, a device made by Samsung (Model No. SHV-E300S), which is said to be the Galaxy S IV, has shown up on GLBenchmark.
Samsung to unveil Galaxy S4 at the Unpacked event on March 15 ?
Samsung would unveil the Galaxy S4 at a the unpacked event on March 15th, according to a recent report from SamMobile. Some of the earlier reports suggested that the next Galaxy S smartphone would be unveiled in March, and would go on sale in April 2013. According this report, the S4 would go on sale first in Europe and Asia in April, followed by America, Australia and Africa in May. Continue reading “Samsung to unveil Galaxy S4 at the Unpacked event on March 15 ?”
Apple cutting down iPhone 5 components due to lower demand than expected
Apple has been dominating the smartphone and tablet market from quite some time, but there seems to be a problem in their camp as there have been reports of Apple cutting down their order for the screens of iPhone 5 by almost half for the first quarter of 2013.
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Innolux to begin mass production of 1080p 5″ displays from Q1 2013
Taipei display manufacturer CHIMEI Innolux will be mass producing 5″ 1080p display from Q1 2013, which means almost all the major devices manufactured next year will be sporting this gorgeous display.
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