Samsung announced the Gear S smartwatch in August and it went on sale in India earlier this month for Rs 27,900. We have already seen the unboxing and the photo gallery of the smartwatch and also went handson with it at IFA Berlin. Now lets compare the smartwatch to the Samsung Gear Fit fitness tracker that was announced in February and launched in India in April and is now selling for Rs. 8,159. Continue reading “Samsung Gear S vs Gear Fit Photo Gallery”
Tag: gear fit
Microsoft Band vs Samsung Gear Fit Photo Gallery
Microsoft announced the Microsoft Band, its fitness tracker last month for $199. Along with the band the company also launched the new Microsoft Health platform. We have already seen the unboxing and photo gallery of the Microsoft Band, now lets compare it with Samsung Gear Fit that was launched in India earlier this year.
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Samsung demos Samsung Galaxy S5 ahead of launch at Samsung stores and leading retailers
Samsung announced the Samsung Galaxy S5 at the Samsung UNPACKED event during MWC 2014 earlier this year. On February 24th, at the product launch function, Samsung said that the device will be available globally from April 11, 2014. With three weeks to go for the release date, Samsung has decided to give the people a demo of the Samsung Galaxy S5.
Samsung announces Gear Fit, a fitness band to help you be fit
At the MWC 2014 Unpacked 5 event in Barcelona, Samsung has just announced the company’s latest flagship – Samsung Galaxy S5 and alongside the not so impressive Galaxy S5, it has also unveiled its fitness band – Gear Fit in addition to the already existing two smartwatches – Gear 2 and Gear Neo.
Continue reading “Samsung announces Gear Fit, a fitness band to help you be fit”