There were rumors and reports on Chinese social network Weibo from earlier this week suggesting that the upcoming Gear smartwatch might run on the Wear OS instead of Tizen. While these rumors might be a hit or a miss, now comes another confirmation from none other than Evan Blass who said to have spotted Samsung employees wearing Gear watches running not Tizen, but Wear OS. Continue reading “Samsung’s upcoming Gear smartwatch said to use Wear OS instead of Tizen”
Tag: gear smartwatch
Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch trademark confirmed
The days of wearable tech devices are not far ahead. There are lots of rumors floating around that various companies are creating their own version of smart watches. Last month Apple filed the iWatch trademark in Japan, Russia & Mexico. The current leader of the smartphone market, Samsung, is also expected to make its smart watch available very soon. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Gear Smartwatch trademark confirmed”