Gionee introduced A1 selfie-focused smartphone in India earlier this week, but it didn’t reveal the price. As promised, the company has announced that the smartphone will be available in India for Rs. 19,999. The main highlight of the smartphone is its 16-megapixel front camera with f/2.0 aperture, 1/3.06″ sensor, selfie flash and face beauty features. It packs a 5.5-inch 1080p 2.5D curved glass display, is powered by an Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P10 processor and has 4GB of RAM.
Tag: Gionee A1 price
Gionee A1 with 5.5-inch 1080p display, 16MP front camera, 4GB RAM, Android 7.0 announced in India
Gionee today introduced Gionee A1, the company’s latest selfie-focused smartphone in India. The main highlight of the smartphone is its 16-megapixel front camera with f/2.0 aperture, 1/3.06″ sensor, selfie flash and face beauty features. It packs a 5.5-inch 1080p 2.5D curved glass display, is powered by an Octa-Core MediaTek Helio P10 processor and has 4GB of RAM. It was introduced at the MWC 2017 last month along with the A1 Plus.
Gionee A1 Plus with Dual rear cameras, 20MP front camera and A1 with 16MP front camera, Android 7.0 announced
Gionee today announced A1 and A1 Plus smartphones at its event, as it had promised. Both these are selfie-focused smartphones with selfie flash and large sensors. These have a 1080p displays and run Android 7.0 (Nougat) . The A1 has a 16-megapixel front camera along with a 13-megapixel rear camera, while the A1 Plus come with a 20-megapixel front-facing camera along with a 13-megapixel + 5-megapixel dual rear cameras Continue reading “Gionee A1 Plus with Dual rear cameras, 20MP front camera and A1 with 16MP front camera, Android 7.0 announced”