Gionee has started teasing the Gpad 4, the company’s upcoming smartphone in the Gpad series on their Facebook page. Unlike the other phones in the Gpad series, the Gpad 4 is a large screen phablet. It has a 5.7-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) HD one-glass solution (OGS) display, powered by a 1.5 GHz quad-core MediaTek 6589T processor with PowerVR SGX 544MP GPU and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has 13-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, BSI sensor, f/2.2 aperture and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with 28mm wide angle lens. It has aluminium body, packs a 3200 mAh battery and comes with in-built Digital Theatre System (DTS) Sound. Continue reading “Gionee Gpad 4 with 5.7-inch HD display, 1.5 GHz quad-core processor coming soon”