This week Xiaomi launched 32GB version of Mi Max 2 in India, Sony launched Xperia XA1 Plus, LG launched G6+, Moto introduced Moto X4 Android One version. Let’s take a look at all the announcements and launches that took place this week.
Tag: Gionee X1s
Gionee X1s with 16MP front camera, 4000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 12999
Gionee has launched X1s, successor of X1 smartphone in the ‘X series’ that was launched last month. It has a 5.2-inch HD display, is powered by a quad-core MediaTek MT6737T processor, runs on Android 7.0 (Nougat) and has 13-megapixel rear camera and a 16-megapixel front camera. Continue reading “Gionee X1s with 16MP front camera, 4000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 12999”