Thanks for the amazing response to the very first Qualcomm Snapdragon Giveaway on FoneArena. We are very excited to announce the answers and the winner of the giveaway. Continue reading “Qualcomm Snapdragon Giveaway #1 Winner Announcement”
Tag: giveaway
Amzer Shellster Case GiveAway – 14 cases to be won !
The folks at Amzer make cases for mobile phones and tablets and they have come up with a new product range under the Shellster brand.It is in fact a case along with a holster.
For the next 7 days , there are 2 Amzer Shellster cases up for grabs every day which is a total of 14 cases ! You could win a Amzer Shellster Case for your phone from today June 11 2012 till Sunday June 17 2012. Continue reading “Amzer Shellster Case GiveAway – 14 cases to be won !”
HTC One X Giveaway Winner Announcement
Guys and Gals , thanks for the amazing response to the HTC One X Giveaway here on FoneArena powered by Saholic. It was your chance to win a shiny new quad core phone. We had over 4000 entries to the contest. We had to remove entries which did not get answers to all the questions right. There were even some entries from readers from other countries which we unfortunately could not include.Some users did not answer all the questions while some did not enter a contact number or Email. We finally arrived at 1409 entries from which the winner was picked in a lucky draw. Continue reading “HTC One X Giveaway Winner Announcement”
BlackBerry Merchandise Giveaway is LIVE , Grab yours now !
Looks like a lot of you are interested in the BlackBerry Merchandise giveaway. Thank for the support you showed about the Giveaway yesterday and now we have some good news to share.BlackBerry India has decided to giveaway loads of stuff you see above including T-shirts , keychains, bracelets, stickers for FREE for FoneArena readers. How does that sound ?
Continue reading “BlackBerry Merchandise Giveaway is LIVE , Grab yours now !”
Royal Wedding Giveaway – Proporta iPhone 4 Case
The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate is all set to happen in London tomorrow and Proporta has decided to give away 4 special iPhone 4 cases on FoneArena. Continue reading “Royal Wedding Giveaway – Proporta iPhone 4 Case”
Contest Nokia Nseries Fusions Challenge
Nokia Nseries Fusions Challenge Gets Hotter!
Anyone interested in trying out a location tagging game? It involves intellect, promptness, creativity and of course technology. If you are a enthusiast who loves to explore new stuff… then you might want to try this out.
Register for Nseries Fusions Challenge This is the last week for registrations. (Closes on 27, 2008)
P.S. CHECK OUT THE PRIZES SECTION. Apart from the contest prizes, there is a special giveaway for Fone Arena members.
All you need to do is –
Continue reading “Contest Nokia Nseries Fusions Challenge”