Google Maps adds New York Subway Layer


The Google Maps team always does some interesting work. The latest addition to GoogleMaps Mobile is Layer for the NYC Subway . If you are in a city which has a underground or any railway system, you are always forced to carry a map of the trains always so that you never get lost. When in London I was always carrying the TubeMap .  It’s humanly impossible to memorize the network of trains and routes especially when you are a first timer in a new location. But what I found interesting is that even locals use the maps so much to get from one place to  another. Now NewYorkers using the SubWay can celebrate . Continue reading “Google Maps adds New York Subway Layer”

Google Navigation will come to iPhone, but only if Apple approves

Google Maps iPhone

Google which announced Google Maps Navigation for Android 2.0 yesterday, told today that Navigation could also come to the iPhone, if and only if Apple approves it.

In an article to AppleInsider yesterday, Google said “Apple is a close partner, we would like to support the iPhone with Maps Navigation. Millions of users experience Google Maps on the iPhone. We will continue to work with Apple to bring innovation, including Latitude and Navigation, to users but you will have to speak to Apple about its availability”. Continue reading “Google Navigation will come to iPhone, but only if Apple approves”

Google Adds Turn by Turn Navigation. Releases Maps Navigation for Android 2.0

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Lots of people including Me have heavily relied on Google Maps Mobile to get directions to any unknown place that we may land upon. However, sometimes getting only the directions don’t work since you cannot see them while you are driving. Continue reading “Google Adds Turn by Turn Navigation. Releases Maps Navigation for Android 2.0”

Google Maps Mobile 2.3 brings Street View to Nokia S60 and Windows Mobile

The Google Phone HTC G1 was the first to have street view in Google Maps..

Apple iPhone was soon to follow with the 2.2 firmware bringing StreetView

Finally its available for Nokia S60 phones and Windows Mobile Phones

This update brings a total revamp of the User interface .. I tested it on E71 and loved it ..

Continue reading “Google Maps Mobile 2.3 brings Street View to Nokia S60 and Windows Mobile”