Google launched the Pixel 8, the company’s latest flagship Pixel phone, earlier this month as the successor to the Pixel 7. This has a familiar, but a more rounded design with a large camera bar, gets a 120Hz screen finally, comes with the Tensor G3 SoC, new cameras, and also promises 7 years of updates. Is this a good upgrade to the Pixel 7? Let us dive into the review to find out. Continue reading “Google Pixel 8 Review: AI and camera excellence, but at a premium”
Tag: Google Pixel 8
Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro announced; India price start at Rs. 75,999
Google just introduced the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, the company’s latest flagship smartphones, and also launched these in India, as it had promised. The Pixel 8 comes with a smaller 6.2-inch FHD+ OLED display, the refresh rate is now 120Hz refresh rate, and has 42% higher peaker brightness than the predecessor. Google is calling it Actua display. Continue reading “Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro announced; India price start at Rs. 75,999”
Google Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel Watch 2 launch event set for October 4
Google has announced its Pixel hardware event for October 4th where it is expected to introduce the Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel Watch 2. This comes hours after the Pixel 8 image showed up on the Google Store accidentally. The company has posted a new #BestPhonesForever: Spa Day video. Continue reading “Google Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro and Pixel Watch 2 launch event set for October 4”
Google Pixel 8 with 6.2″ display and Pixel 8 Pro with 6.7″ display surface in renders
After rumours, the first set of renders of Google Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro have surfaced, thanks to @OnLeaks. This reveals a familiar camera bar for both the phones, but these are said to feature a smaller display compared to the older models. Continue reading “Google Pixel 8 with 6.2″ display and Pixel 8 Pro with 6.7″ display surface in renders”