In a bid to foster the growth of startups beyond India’s major cities, Google launched its virtual Startup School in collaboration with Startup India last year. The overwhelming response to the program prompted the announcement of the second edition, set to commence on July 11, 2023. Continue reading “Google Startup School 2023 announced in India”
Tag: Google Startup School India
Google launches Startup School India, to guide 10,000 startups in tier 2, tier 3 cities
Startup School India, a Google for Startups project, has been launched. The 9-week virtual programme will comprise fireside discussions with Google leaders and trailblazing colleagues from the startup environment, including financial, D2C, B2B, and B2C e-commerce, language, social media & networking, and job search. Recently, Google for Startups Accelerator-India Women Founders program was launched. Continue reading “Google launches Startup School India, to guide 10,000 startups in tier 2, tier 3 cities”