The Internet opens up even more – .guru, .bike and others now available

The booming of Internet in the late 90s is often referred to as the “Dot com boom” where the “dot” refers just a dot and the “com” represents a domain address. The “dot com” boom referred to the rise of Internet companies and mainly because .com was one of the most used domains in the Internet. Until now, there hasn’t been much of a fuzz about what comes after the second dot in a web address.

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Samsung Solar Phone

Samsung launched the first solar powered mobile phone, the Solar Guru E1107. The highlighting feature of this phone is, it enables dual charging. The phone has photovoltaic panel at the back, which helps to charge the battery with sun light. Since the battery can be charged anywhere using the solar energy, the users don’t have to worry when the phone battery is running out of charge. Continue reading “Samsung Solar Phone”