HUAWEI’s HONOR brand introduced the HONOR 20 PRO at an event in London back in May, and the phone was launched in India last month at Rs. 39,999, but the company did not reveal the availability. Now the company has announced that the phone will roll out globally starting from Russia at 34990 RUB (US$ 554 / Rs. 38,260 approx.) from 2nd August. Continue reading “HONOR 20 PRO with quad rear cameras global roll out begins August 2”
Tag: HONOR 20 Pro
HONOR 20 Pro with 32MP in-screen camera surfaces in live image
HUAWEI’s HONOR brand has recently announced that it will introduce its flagship HONOR series at an event in London on May 21st. Today, a new leak has surfaced online and it suggests that HONOR 20 Pro smartphone will sport a punch-hole camera.
Continue reading “HONOR 20 Pro with 32MP in-screen camera surfaces in live image”