Huawei has announced Honor 7i, the company’s latest smartphone in the Honor series, as it promised. It packs a 5.5-inch 1080p display with narrow bezels, is powered by the latest Octa-Core Snapdragon 616 SoC and runs on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with Emotion UI 3.1 on top. The main highlight of the smartphone is the 13-megapixel camera with Sony sensor and dual-tone LED flash that can flip 180-degrees to the front so that you can use it as a front-facing camera for selfies. Continue reading “Huawei Honor 7i with 13MP flip camera, 5.2-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 616 announced”
Tag: Honor 7i
Huawei Honor 7i to be announced on August 20, could feature sliding camera
Huawei was expected to introduce a new Honor smartphone in China today, but it actually announced date for the announcement of its new Honor series smartphone. It will unveil the Honor 7i smartphone on August 20th. The invite translates to you change the vision together. Continue reading “Huawei Honor 7i to be announced on August 20, could feature sliding camera”