Huawei’s Honor brand recently said that the Honor7X is now made in India and the company in partnership with Flex has started manufacturing the phone at Flex’s plant in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai. Today the company has announced that the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage version of the smartphone will be available across Honor partner stores pan India starting from February 9th at the same online price of Rs. 15,999.
Tag: Honor 7X Red
Honor 7X now being manufactured in Tamil Nadu, Red Limited Edition launching in India soon
Huawei’s Honor brand introduced new Red edition of the Honor 7X in China back in December and it was introduced for the global markets at the CES 2018 last month. Today has started teasing the Red Limited Edition smartphone in India. The company also confirmed that the Honor7X is now made in India and the company in partnership with Flex has started manufacturing the phone at Flex’s plant in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai