Huawei’s Honor brand today launched its flagship Honor 8 Pro smartphone in India, as it had promised. It was introduced back in April, comes with a 5.7-inch Quad HD 2.5D curved glass display, is powered by an Octa-Core Kirin 960 processor with 6GB of RAM and runs Android 7.0 (Nougat) with EMUI 5.1 on top. It has dual 12-megapixel rear cameras, one with monochrome and other with color sensor to capture crisper, more detailed photos and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “Honor 8 Pro with 12MP dual rear cameras, 6GB RAM launched in India for Rs. 29999”
Tag: Honor 8 Pro India
Honor 8 Pro with 12MP dual rear cameras launching exclusively on Amazon India on July 6
Huawei’s Honor brand is all set to launch the Honor 8 Pro smartphone in India on July 6th, exclusively on It was introduced back in April, comes with a 5.7-inch Quad HD 2.5D curved glass display, is powered by an Octa-Core Kirin 960 processor with 6GB of RAM and runs Android 7.0 (Nougat) with EMUI 5.1 on top. Continue reading “Honor 8 Pro with 12MP dual rear cameras launching exclusively on Amazon India on July 6”