Huawei’s Honor brand just launched the Honor 8X, successor of the Honor 7X in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ display with a 4.25mm narrow chin and 91% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Kirin 710 SoC with 6GB of RAM, has a 20-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, AI scene recognition that can identify up to 500 scenes, and a 2-megapixel secondary camera to capture depth information in portrait shots. It has a 16-megapixel front camera with 4-in-1 pixel binning technology, face unlock and AI beautify. Continue reading “Honor 8X with 6.5-inch FHD+ display, Kirin 710, up to 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 14999”
Tag: Honor 8X
Honor 8X with 6.5-inch FHD+ display, Kirin 710, AI dual rear cameras launching in India on October 16
Huawei’s Honor brand introduced the Honor 8X, successor of the Honor 7X in China last month. The company has started global roll out of the phone from Dubai and Spain yesterday. It has also confirmed that it will launch in India on October 16th at an event in Delhi, after launching in Malaysia, Russia and Czech Republic next week.
Honor 8X with 6.5-inch FHD+ display, Kirin 710, 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras announced
Huawei’s Honor brand just announced the Honor 8X, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in China. It has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ display with a 4.25mm narrow chin and 91% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Kirin 710 SoC with 6GB of RAM, has a 20-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, AI scene recognition that can identify up to 500 scenes, and a 2-megapixel secondary camera to capture depth information in portrait shots. It has a 16-megapixel front camera with 4-in-1 pixel binning technology and AI beautify. Continue reading “Honor 8X with 6.5-inch FHD+ display, Kirin 710, 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras announced”
Honor 8X and 8X Max with FHD+ notch display, dual rear cameras, 4900mAh battery to be announced on September 5
After TENAA certification and teasers, Huawei’s Honor brand has officially confirmed that it will introduce the Honor 8X and 8X Max smartphone in China on September 5th. TENAA certifications revealed a large 7.12-inch LCD screen with a notch, so this could be the 8X Max. It will be powered by an Octa-Core SoC clocked at 1.8GHz (Could be Snapdragon 636) with 4GB RAM. It has a 16-megapixel camera on the back with LED flash along with a secondary 2-megapixel camera for portrait shots.
Honor 8X with 7.12-inch Full HD+ display, dual rear cameras, 4900mAh battery gets certified [Update: Official teaser]
Update – August 20: Honor has officially confirmed the existence of the 8X. The teaser says that the phone will be beyond imagination and the company will break the limit, hinting at the phone’s large screen. Continue reading “Honor 8X with 7.12-inch Full HD+ display, dual rear cameras, 4900mAh battery gets certified [Update: Official teaser]”