Huawei’s Honor brand launched Honor Band A2 in India. It was introduced in China back in May last year, has a 0.96-inch OLED touch display and heart rate sensor with continuous heart rate tracking during fitness activities. In addition to fitness, it also has sleep tracking that offers suggestions based on the sleep data to help improve their sleep quality. Continue reading “Honor Band A2 with OLED display, continuous heart rate tracking launched in India for Rs. 2499”
Tag: Honor Band A2 price
Honor Band A2 fitness and sleep tracker with OLED display, heart rate sensor announced
Along with the Honor 6A, Huawei’s Honor brand also introduced Honor Band A2, successor of last year’s Honor Band A1 fitness tracker. It has a 0.96-inch OLED touch display and heart rate sensor with continuous heart rate tracking. In addition to fitness and sleep tracking, it can also track bicycle rides and provides real time data for it. Continue reading “Honor Band A2 fitness and sleep tracker with OLED display, heart rate sensor announced”