HONOR, has launched its latest laptop, the HONOR MagicBook X 14, in India, as the successor to the X 14 model which was launched last year. It is equipped with an Intel Core 11th gen i5 processor, has a sleek and premium design and promises an all-round powerful experience. Continue reading “HONOR MagicBook X 14 with FHD display, 11th Gen Intel Core i5 processor launched in India”
Tag: HONOR MagicBook X 14
HONOR MagicBook X 14 and X 15 with FHD display, 10th Gen Intel Core i3/i5 processors, sleek metal body announced
HUAWEI’s HONOR brand today announced its new MagicBook X 14 and X 15 models in China with 10th Gen Intel Core i3 / i5 processors, 14-inch FHD screen with 4.8mm sleek bezels, 15.9mm sleek and 1.38kg light-weight body for MagicBook X 14 and the MagicBook X 15 has 5.3mm sleek bezels, 16.9mm sleek and 1.56kg light-weight body. Continue reading “HONOR MagicBook X 14 and X 15 with FHD display, 10th Gen Intel Core i3/i5 processors, sleek metal body announced”