After teasers, HONOR has launched the MagicBook X14 and MagicBook X16 2023 models in India, as it had promised. These have 14-inch or 16-inch FHD display with 16:10 aspect ratio, 100%s RGB color gamut, 300 nits of brightness, TÜV Rheinland certified eye comfort mode, 12th Gen i5-12450H processors, up to 16GB of RAM and 512GB storage. Continue reading “HONOR MagicBook X14 and X16 2023 with Intel Core i5 12th Gen ‘H Series’ processor, up to 16GB RAM launched in India”
Tag: HONOR MagicBook X16 2023
HONOR MagicBook X14 and X16 2023 with Intel Core i5 12th Gen ‘H Series’ processor launching in India on April 21
Update: HONOR has confirmed the launch of HONOR MagicBook X16 and X14 2023 models in India on April 21st, priced starting at Rs. 48,990. There will also be Rs. 2500 instant discount on HDFC cards for a limited period when it goes on sale on Continue reading “HONOR MagicBook X14 and X16 2023 with Intel Core i5 12th Gen ‘H Series’ processor launching in India on April 21”