Huawei’s Honor brand just launched the Honor Play, the company’s latest gaming-centric smartphone in India, as it had promised. It was introduced in China last month, packs a 6.3-inch Full HD+ 19:5:9 display with a notch and a 89% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Kirin 970 10nm processor with 6GB of RAM, NPU as well as GPU Turbo graphics processing acceleration technology that increases graphics processing efficiency of mobile phones for smoother and faster mobile experience, especially for mobile games. Continue reading “Honor Play with 6.3-inch Full HD+ display, up to 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras launched in India starting at Rs. 19999”
Tag: Honor Play India
Honor Play with 6.3-inch Full HD+ display, 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras launching in India on August 6 exclusively on Amazon
Huawei’s Honor brand, after the launch of Honor 9N this week, announced that the Honor Play smartphone will launch in India on August 6th, exclusively on It was introduced in China last month, packs a 6.3-inch Full HD+ 19:5:9 display with a notch and a 89% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Kirin 970 10nm processor with 6GB of RAM, NPU as well as GPU Turbo graphics processing acceleration technology that increases graphics processing efficiency of mobile phones for smoother and faster mobile experience, especially for mobile games. Continue reading “Honor Play with 6.3-inch Full HD+ display, 6GB RAM, AI dual rear cameras launching in India on August 6 exclusively on Amazon”