HP launched the Slate 6 VoiceTab and Slate 7 VoiceTab in the VoiceTab series, in India last month. The Slate 6 VoiceTab went on sale in India immediately, the Slate 7 VoiceTab is now on sale in India from the official HP online store. It has 7-inch HD (1280×800 pixels) IPS display, powered by a quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean). It has dual SIM support, dual front-facing speakers, 5-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. Continue reading “HP Slate 7 VoiceTab with 7-inch HD display goes on sale in India for Rs. 16990”
Tag: HP Slate 7 VoiceTab
HP Slate 6 VoiceTab and Slate 7 VoiceTab launched in India for Rs. 22990 and Rs. 16990
HP has launched Slate 6 VoiceTab and Slate 7 VoiceTab, the company’s latest phablets in the VoiceTab series, as it promised last week. The HP Slate 6 VoiceTab has a 6-inch HD IPS display sporting a 1280×720 pixels resolution and the HP Slate 7 VoiceTab will have a 7-inch HD 1280×800 pixels IPS display. These devices would be powered by a quad-core processor and run on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean). These also have dual SIM support, dual front-facing speakers, 5-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera, but the Slate 7 VoiceTab lacks LED flash. Continue reading “HP Slate 6 VoiceTab and Slate 7 VoiceTab launched in India for Rs. 22990 and Rs. 16990”
HP Slate VoiceTab series launching in India on February 13th
HP India has just sent us the press invite for the launch of Slate 6 VoiceTab and Slate 7 VoiceTab phablets in India. These were announced last month specifically for India. The February 13th event in India would see the global launch of these phablets.The HP Slate 6 VoiceTab has a 6-inch HD IPS display sporting a 1280×720 pixels resolution and the HP Slate 7 VoiceTab will have a 7-inch HD 1280×800 pixels IPS display. These devices would be powered by a quad-core processor and run on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). These also have dual SIM support. Continue reading “HP Slate VoiceTab series launching in India on February 13th”
HP confirms Slate 6 and Slate 7 voice calling phablet/tablet for India
Hewlett-Packard, one of the leading PC manufacturers had a shy at the smartphone market and met with little success. The company had backed out a couple of years back and now are reportedly re-entering the smartphone/tablet market. HP will reportedly announce two new devices – HP Slate 6 and HP Slate 7 phablet and tablet respectively in India later this year. HP is expected to make an official announcement very soon.
Continue reading “HP confirms Slate 6 and Slate 7 voice calling phablet/tablet for India”