HTC has launched the Desire 601 dual SIM, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone in India. Specifications are similar to the single SIM variant that was announced back in September.It packs a 4.5-inch qHD (960 x 540 pixels) capacitive touch screen IPS display, powered by a 1.4 GHz dual-core Snapdragon 400 processor with Adreno 305 GPU and runs on Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) with the new Sense UI. It has a 5-megapixel rear camera with LED Flash, HTC Zoe with Sequence Shot, Always Smile and Object Removal, Gallery with Video Highlights and HTC Share and a 0.3-megapixel (VGA) front-facing camera. It has dual SIM support with dual active capabilities. Continue reading “HTC Desire 601 dual SIM with 4.5-inch display, dual-core Snapdragon 400 processor launched in India for Rs. 24190”