HTC has announced the Desire 700 dual sim, the company’s latest smartphone in the Desire series in Taiwan. It packs a 5-inch qHD (960 x 540 pixels) display, powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 200 processor and runs on Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean. It has a 8-megapixel camera on the back with LED flash, BSI sensor, 28mm lens, F 2.0 aperture, HTC Zoe and 1080p video recording and a 2.1-megapixel front-facing camera with BSI sensor. It has HTC BlinkFeed home screen and HTC BoomSound with Dual frontal stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers similar to the HTC Desire 600 dual sim. Continue reading “HTC Desire 700 dual sim with 5-inch qHD display, quad-core processor announced”