HTC has reduced the price of the One S and Desire V, which are now available for Rs. 25,900 and Rs. 16,999 in India. HTC One S was officially launched in India in June, but it got a price cut in August from Rs. 33,590 to Rs. 28,900. The HTC desire V went on sale in India for Rs. 21,999 in June. Continue reading “HTC One S and Desire V get a price cut in India”
Tag: HTC Desire V India
HTC Desire V Dual SIM Smartphone now available in India for Rs. 21,999
HTC Desire V that was announced earlier this month is now available in India from online retailer Flipkart. The HTC Desire V is a Dual SIM (GSM + GSM) phone with Dual Standby but not Dual Active like the recently launched Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos. It pack in a 4-inch (480 x 800 pixels) capacitive touch screen display, 1GHZ single-core processor and runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) with HTC Sense 4.0 UI. It is 9.32 mm thick and weighs 114 g. Continue reading “HTC Desire V Dual SIM Smartphone now available in India for Rs. 21,999”