Last month we reported that HTC would launch the Dual SIM variant of the HTC One soon. The phone went on sale online last month, Now HTC and Tata Docomo has partnered to launch the phone in India officially, calling it HTC One Dual SIM +. The company says that this is the first Android phone launched in India which offers CDMA and UMTS dual SIM capability. It has similar features as the HTC One single-SIM variant including a 4.7 inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display, 1.7 GHz quad-core processor, Android Jelly Bean with Sense 5, UltraPixel camera with LED Flash and a 2.1MP HD front-facing camera. Continue reading “HTC One Dual SIM + launched in India on Tata Docomo for Rs. 53590”