HTC has launched the HTC One (M8) successor of last year’s HTC One (M7) in India. It was announced back in February and has a 5.0-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Full HD display with Corning Gorilla glass protection, powered by a 2.5 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with the new HTC Sense 6.0 UI. It has Duo camera setup with a primary UltraPixel camera (1/3″ BSI sensor, f/2.0 aperture, 28mm lens, pixel size of 2.0 microns) and a secondary rear camera to capture depth information. It has dual LED flash that automatically selects the right tone and intensity based on the scene. Continue reading “HTC One (M8) launched in India for Rs. 49900”