HTC has confirmed on their Facebook page that HTC One X, their first Quad-core smartphone would launch in India in April 2012. HTC announced the HTC One X at the MWC 2012 last month. It packs in 4.7 inch Super LCD HD display as well as a 1.5 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor. It runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Operating System with HTC Sense 4 UI and has Beats audio integration. Continue reading “HTC One X launching in India in April”
Tag: HTC One X
HTC One X Deluxe Limited Edition with Beats headphones announced in Taiwan
HTC has announced HTC One X Deluxe Edition with Beats Solo headphones for Taiwan. The HTC One X Deluxe Edition has similar features as the global version including, 4.7 inch Super LCD touchscreen display as well as a 1.5 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor. It has 8MP camera with Full HD (1080p) video recording with f/2.0 large aperture and high dynamic range lighting (HDR) mode and 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera Continue reading “HTC One X Deluxe Limited Edition with Beats headphones announced in Taiwan”
Quick Look : HTC One X
Here we take a quick look at the features of the HTC One X. If you’re looking for an HTC One X photo gallery, you can find it here.
HTC One X, One S and One V price and release date revealed for UK
HTC unveiled their One series of Android smartphones, HTC One X, One S and One V earlier today. Clove UK has revealed the price and the launch date for these phones and are taking pre-orders for these devices. All these phones run on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Operating System and has Beats audio. Continue reading “HTC One X, One S and One V price and release date revealed for UK”
HTC One X Announced With 4.7 Inch Display, 1.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor
HTC recently announced the much-awaited HTC One X at the MWC 2012 in Barcelona. This handset comes with a 4.7 inch display as well as a 1.5 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 Quad Core processor.
HTC recently announced the much-awaited HTC One X at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012 in Barcelona. This handset comes with a 4.7 inch Super LCD touchscreen display as well as a 1.5 GHz Nvidia Tegra 3 Quad-Core processor. The HTC One X runs on the latest Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) Operating System. Check out the complete specs, after the break. Continue reading “HTC One X Announced With 4.7 Inch Display, 1.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor”
HTC One S specs leaked before MWC 2012
HTC is going to be one of the headliners to showcase their devices at MWC this year, they will be showcasing the HTC One series of mobile phones and maybe a couple tablets too. We already know about the HTC One X which will be the first quadcore phone running on Tegra 3. There was no news about the other two One S and One V but now due to some benchmarking done in Nenamark we have come to know some specs of the One S.