Along with the HUAWEI Watch GT, HUAWEI also launched the Band 3 Pro and Band 3e, variants of Honor Band 4 and Honor Band 4 Running that were launched in India recently. The Band 3 Pro has a 0.95-inch AMOLED color 2.5D curved glass touch screen display as well as a home button, comes with continuous heart rate tracking and is also water resistant up to 50 meters with Swim stroke recognition. Continue reading “HUAWEI Band 3e with OLED screen and Band 3 Pro with 0.95-inch AMOLED display launched in India for Rs. 1699 and Rs. 4699”
Tag: Huawei Band 3 Pro price
Huawei Band 3 Pro with 0.95-inch AMOLED color display, 50-meter water resistance announced
Huawei at its London event also introduced the Band 3 Pro, the company’s latest fitness tracker. It is a has a slightly different design, but similar specifications as the Honor Band 4 including 0.95-inch AMOLED color 2.5D curved glass touch screen display as well as a home button, comes with continuous heart rate tracking and is also water resistant up to 50 meters with Swim stroke recognition. Continue reading “Huawei Band 3 Pro with 0.95-inch AMOLED color display, 50-meter water resistance announced”