Huawei has launched its flagship Mate 20 Pro smartphone at an event in India, as it had promised. It has a 6.39-inch QHD+ OLED DCI-P3 HDR display with 86.90 screen-to-body ratio, powered by Kirin 980 7nm SoC with Dual NPU, runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with EMUI 9.0 on top, has an in-display fingerprint scanner with 10-level Dynamic Pressure Sensing (DPS) technology and 3D Face Unlock as well as 3D Live Emoji and AI live model.
Tag: Huawei Mate 20 Pro India
Huawei Mate 20 Pro 6.39-inch QHD+ OLED HDR display, Leica Triple rear cameras, in-display fingerprint sensor launching in India on November 27
Update – November 21: Huawei has confirmed that it will launch its flagship Mate 20 Pro smartphone in India on November 27th. According to the teaser, it looks like it will be selling the phone and Sennheiser PXC550 Wireless Headphones bundle. It already said that the phone will be launched exclusively on