Huawei has announced the MediaPad 7 Vogue, the company’s latest tablet in the MediaPad series. It has first mentioned at the official MWC press release back in February and leaked in March. It has a 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) IPS display, similar to the Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite that was launched in India last November. It is powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core K3V2 HiSilicon processor with 16 Core graphics and runs on Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) with Huawei’s Emotion UI 1.5 on top. It has 3G connectivity through a SIM card slot and supports voice calls. It has a 3-megapixel rear camera, 0.3-megapixel front-facing camera and has sleek aluminum metal unibody design. Continue reading “Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue with 7-inch display, quad-core processor, Android 4.1 announced”
Tag: Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue
Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue press render surface
Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue received DLNA certification earlier this month, now evleaks has outed an official press image of the device. The MediaPad 7 Vogue was already mentioned back in an official MWC press release last month. It would come with a 7-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) IPS mult-touch screen display, similar to the Huawei MediaPad 7 Lite that was launched in India last November. Even thought the display size and the resolution are similar, the MediaPad 7 Vouge would come with Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and it would be powered by a 1.2 GHz / 1.5 GHz quad-core Cortex A9 processor based on the the model. Continue reading “Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue press render surface”