Huawei has just announced the MediaPad X1, the company’s latest phablet with LTE support at the Mobile World Congress 2014. It has a 7-inch (1920 x 1200 pixels) IPS display, powered by a 1.6 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) with Huawei’s own Emotion UI on top. It has category 4 LTE support that offers speeds up to 150 Mbps. Continue reading “Huawei MediaPad X1 with 7-inch full HD display, 7.18mm aluminum alloy body announced”
Tag: Huawei MediaPad X1
Huawei Ascend G6, MediaPad X1 and Glory X1 Smartwatch leaked ahead of MWC 2014
Huawei is expected to unveil Ascend G6, a mid-range smartphone at the MWC 2014 next week. Today, evleaks leaked the press image of the phone. It looks similar to the Ascend G6-U00 that got certified in Tenaa last week, that also revealed some specifications of the device. Continue reading “Huawei Ascend G6, MediaPad X1 and Glory X1 Smartwatch leaked ahead of MWC 2014”