Huawei just announced Nova 3e, the company’s latest smartphone in the ‘Nova series’ in China, as it had promised. It is a variant of the P20 Lite that was introduced recently packs a 5.84-inch FHD+ 19:9 screen with a notch, is powered by Kirin 659 with 4GB RAM, runs Android 8.0 (Oreo) with EMUI 8.0 and has a 16-megapixel rear camera along with a 2-megapixel secondary camera for portrait shots. Continue reading “Huawei Nova 3e with 5.84-inch FHD+ 19:9 FullView display, 24MP front camera, dual rear cameras announced”
Tag: Huawei Nova 3e
Huawei Nova 3e with FullView display, dual rear cameras to be announced on March 20
Huawei today sent out invites for the announcement of Nova 3e, a new smartphone in the Nova series in China on March 20th, ahead of the announcement of P20 series, including the P20 Lite in Paris on March 27th. Last month @evleaks said that the P20 Lite will be sold in certain markets as the Nova 3e. The phone got certified in China recently with model numbers and ANE-TL00 and ANE-AL00.