HUAWEI today launched the HUAWEI WATCH FIT, the company’s latest smartwatch in India, after it was introduced last year. It features a 1.64-inch HD unique rectangular AMOLED touch screen with auto-brightness adjustment offering better viewing in sunlight and six Always-On watch faces. It offers 50m (5 ATM) water resistance, built-in GPS, heart rate tracking, and up to 10 days of battery life. Continue reading “HUAWEI WATCH FIT with 1.64-inch AMOLED display, GPS, up to 10 days battery life launched in India for Rs. 8990”
Tag: HUAWEI Watch Fit price
HUAWEI Watch Fit with 1.64-inch AMOLED display, built-in GPS, SpO2 monitoring, up to 10 days battery life announced
After rumours, HUAWEI has officially announced the Watch Fit, the company’s latest smartwatch. It features a 1.64-inch HD unique rectangular AMOLED touch screen with auto-brightness adjustment offering better viewing in sunlight and six Always-On watch faces. It offers 50m (5 ATM) water resistance, built-in GPS, heart rate tracking, and up to 10 days of battery life. In addition to 24-Hour Heart Rate Monitoring, it also offers blood oxygen (SpO2) monitoring.
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