What is phone hygiene and how does it affect us?
Our phones have become such an integral part of our lives that we use it almost everywhere we go and in whatever we are doing. We use it while traveling, while lying in bed, while eating food and even while we are in the restroom. During our daily activities, our hands come in contact with many things that have germs and we use our phones with same hands itself. Over the course of time these germs do get accumulated on our phones as well and even if we wash our hands, holding our phones can negate the effect based on how germ infested your phone is. This is why phone hygiene plays a very important part in our health. If your phone was used by someone who is probably sick or carrying a disease that is transmitted by touch and you use the phone after wards, it is possible for you to be affected by it as well. Continue reading “Why phone hygiene is important?”